All posts tagged: Spiritual self-help

Life’s Three Acts

During my years as a single parent, there were times when we ate oatmeal for dinner because it was what we had. And there were times when I kept the school proofs because I couldn’t afford to buy the actual photos. And there was one […]

Finding Love Is An Inside Job

Soon after Ron and I met, when we were just becoming acquainted as friends, I felt nauseas one day. Ron’s a doctor, and he wanted to help. So he offered to stick his finger down my throat to make me throw up. “Wow!” I thought. “This […]

How To Stay Calm When Everyone’s Losing It

On a visit to Taormina on Sicily, our hotel was situated so that we could stand on our balcony and see Mount Etna in the distance. I told Ron how great it was that the locals had strung colored lights down the mountainside. He said, […]

How To Be A Hero

Joseph Campbell gave us a valuable description of the metaphorical hero’s journey. He said that we’ll first hear a calling, and we’ll always have a choice whether to surrender to it. There will be a threshold to cross, which will require unconditional commitment and separation from what’s […]

15 Keys For Achieving Our Goals

We get what we want by focusing on what and why, rather than how and when. Albert Einstein said, “The world that we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. Getting what we want requires feelings […]

10 Keys For Managing Beliefs

Life will be as wonderful or as terrible as we believe it is. Our daily lives are the result of what we tell ourselves. Our attitudes develop out of the thoughts we choose. Beliefs are just thoughts we repeat until they seem true. If we […]